Curatorial art studio

A contemporary curator is at the very center of the art world, connecting artists, exhibition venues, collectors, connoisseurs, and art researchers in a unified communication space. The curator's mission is to search for new trends and values, convey meanings, and uncover new, vibrant artist personalities.

OSALLERY is a modern independent art curating studio founded by Dr. Professor Mikhail Osadchiy. In our work, we adhere to the values of artistic freedom and social responsibility. We lead aesthetics to commercial success.

Mikhail Osadchiy
Art Curator
Born in 1985 in Siberia (Russia), Doctor of Linguistics, professor of Philology and Culture. In 2022, he moved to Portugal and dedicated himself to studying Art Markets and Curatorship at the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE). Since 2024, he has been practicing as an independent curator.
Areas of work
Artist brand development
Gallery brand development
Collector brand development
Investment consulting (art investments)
Organizing exhibitions and openings
Organizing participation in biennales
Preparing catalogs
Publishing reviews
June 21 – October 1, 2024

In Pride Month, THE LATE BIRDS, together with the independent curatorial studio OSALLERY, wants to loudly proclaim: MAKE LOVE, NOT WAR!

We continue our series of queer art projects with an incredibly powerful exhibition by two refugee artists from Ukraine and Russia. Kirill Fadeyev fled from the war in Ukraine, and Igor Sychev left Russia to escape the persecution of LGBTQ artists.

Contact us
+351 911 775 995